The VLA would like to do its part to help collect and share the rapidly-evolving information pertaining to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please check back frequently as we will display all new information below:
- Virginia logging and forest trucking contractors have joined a national effort seeking federal relief for their industry at a time when COVID-19 and its economic impacts are threatening the survival of the companies depending on the entire U.S. forest economy.
- FDA Grocery Shopping Tips To Stay Safe (pdf)
- Financial Resources for Agricultural and Forestry Businesses due to COVID-19 (pdf)
- Questions on FMLA (pdf)
- Senator Kaine’s website has a number of coronavirus resources from recently enacted legislation, including this Small Business Owners Guide. Though, you have probably received more info since you last emailed me, so let me know if there’s anything more specific we can track down. As you can imagine, we have received a high volume of folks asking, so the website is our attempt to put it all into one place.
- There are two small business loan programs available to small businesses dealing with COVID-19. The first is the Payroll Protection Program (PPP), which is intended to keep workers on small business payrolls through forgivable loans. The second program is through SBA’s disaster loans, which following C-3 now offers small businesses a one-time $10,000 grant to cover short term costs that they don’t have to pay back even if they are denied an EIDL. Congress provided over $350 billion to support the PPP loan program. Under the law entities can apply for and receive funds in both the EIDL program from the first bill and the PPP (as long as the funds are used for different purposes).
- Virginia Loggers Association supports the Coalition for a Strong Virginia Economy and we recommend following the advice of the Center for Disease Control and government recommendations. The Wear Face Mask was created by Coalition for a Strong Virginia Economy.
- Virginia Governor Northam’s Economic Crisis Strike Force. This group’s mission is to work to provide needed assistance and information to businesses and individuals to mitigate the economic impacts of the pandemic and associated isolation requirements. Please view the resources they have provided below (all PDF files):
• A Guide to Cares Act Eligibility
• Additional Information For Applying For Us Sba Eidl Loans
• Business Tax Provisions
• Cares Act Relief Resources Faq
• Debt Relief for New and Existing Small Business Administration (Sba) Loans
• Exchange Stabilization Fund Federal Reserve Facilities And Programs
• Overview of Small Business Program
• Paycheck Protection Program (Business Interruption Loans)
• Small Business Administration Coronavirus Economic Injury Disaster Loans (Eidl)
• Small Business Administration Express Loans
Sources of Hope and Inspiration
- Whether the enemy is the silent and unseen one like COVID-19, Americans are stronger when standing together and not dividing. Let’s remember the good that comes from collective strength and unified vision. We can be unique and still work together to help each other and be kind whether we agree or not on politics. We can get through this even stronger than ever!
Housing Reports
Virginia Tech – U.S. Forest Service housing market commentaries for February 2020. These commentaries contain in-depth data and comments on the U.S. housing market.
Part 1: Main –
Part 2: Economic conditions – housing report is a free service of Virginia Tech, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the U.S. Forest Service. The reports are intended to help you gauge future business activity. All past housing reports are archived at: