Virginia Loggers Association Invites You to Come Home to Williamsburg in 2024! Why wait to make your room reservations when you can easily reserve your room(s) now and attend a great meeting in the most historic city in Virginia on…
VLA 2022 Annual Meeting Recap
Members, associates, and friends of Virginia Loggers Association enjoyed a wonderful weekend networking, socializing, learning, and having so much fun. Guests this year outnumbered all past annual meetings. The speakers were fantastic and spot-on with topics. Workshops were held for…
Driver Appreciation and Safety Day at WestRock Roanoke Rapids
Each year Virginia Loggers Association participates in Log Truck Driver Appreciation and Safety Day. Great companies show their appreciation to our commercial truck drivers by giving them lunch and a nice safety item. VLA loves to participate along with Forestry…
VLA Members Visit Virginia’s Congresssional Delegation
Each year members of the Virginia Loggers Association join their friends and colleagues from across America to meet with congressional leaders in Washington, DC. Several VLA board members and spouses joined us 2019 and made direct contacts with elected representatives.…
Great Pine Stand Thinning Creating Quail Habitat
Virginia Loggers Association members conduct all types of sustainable forest harvesting for private and public landowners. About 80% of Virginia’s forestlands are owned by private individuals who manage their forests for many purposes. Managed forests can produce income while making…
Solid Wood Products to Make a Post & Beam House
Forest products are Virginia’s third largest industry. Sold wood products go into many things, such as houses, that are used by all of us. Virginia has about 16 million acres of forestland consisting of ample supplies of pine and hardwood…
Current and New Loggers Attending SHARP Logger Class in Alberta
Virginia Loggers Association consists of logging businesses across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Members and their employees stay abreast of the latest information on sustainable forest harvests, safety and water quality through Virginia Tech’s SHARP Logger continuing education classes.
White Oak Bourbon Barrel with VLA Engravement from Speyside Bourbon Stave Mill
Description coming soon.