Virginia legislature is very important to loggers and others. The 2016 session opens with a variety of bills covering a wide range of subjects from the administration of government, agriculture and forestry to workers compensation. To ensure the sustainability of logging businesses, our members must engage the political system and keep their elected representatives posted on important issues. This year, our legislators will deal with issues impacting our industry. Some of the bills submitted so far include: Requiring commercial trucks to stay in the right hand lane on I64 in Afton Mountain; increasing minimum wage; workers compensation changes; and amending the timber trespass laws. The link below provides an overview summary of the total bills introduced to date and specific bills of interest to your industry.
Review the specific bills via the first linked document below and assess how they may impact your business. The second document lists all of the bills currently followed by VLA. The following bills are included in the list. Please contact your legislator if you would like to comment on any of the bills below or contact Ron Jenkins at 804 677 -4290 or by email at
► General Assembly bills (pdf)
► Bills followed by the VLA (pdf)