Join the American Loggers Council in urging Congress to pass the bipartisan (H.R. 2453 and S. 1509), allowing log trucks to utilize federal interstates for short-haul trips. View the entire bill at You can send a quick note to your representatives by using your computer and going to the following website.
VLA, ALC and the nation need your help! The ALC has been working for the Safe Routes legislation for over 20 years and we have a great opportunity to pass it in this Congress. We can’t let this chance slip away!
The ALC along with Virginia Loggers Association and its other partners have advocated “Safe Routes” legislation to allow the industry’s trucks to haul state legal weight tolerances on the Federal Interstate Highway System, which often provide safer routes to mills. Due to inconsistent truck weights in many regions throughout the country, trucks hauling logs to mills are often forced to use city, county and state roads, where more than 96 percent of log truck collisions occurred, according to a study. Will you help us pass this bill by taking a few minutes to send a message to your federal representatives?
By giving log trucks the option of using federal interstates on short hauls, they can divert away from traffic congestion as well as schools, crosswalks, city intersections, railroad tracks, and other challenges. A few individual states have received exemptions that lifted federal truck weight limits on interstates, and in each case it resulted in fewer collisions, reduced driver fatigue and improved equipment safety.
With bipartisan support, we have a great chance to get this legislation across the finish line. Please help us by sending your message to your members of Congress! And share this message with your friends and family!
For more information, don’t hesitate to contact Ron Jenkins at (804) 677 – 4290 or by email at